我很高兴与大家分享今年的回顾, 庆祝校友的成就, 学生, 教师, 以及好的赌博软件推荐的工作人员. 它突出了SPU的大社区如何在赌博十大靠谱软件的世界中发挥作用, 为未来带来希望和信念.
好的赌博软件推荐是太平洋西北地区唯一一所进入2018年榜单的私立大学 U.S. 好的赌博软件推荐 & 世界报道 全国最佳大学排行榜. Other significant milestones include being named a 2018 Christian College of Distinction; the development of a new University brand identity; and front-page coverage by 《赌博十大靠谱软件》 SPU对无家可归者的关注.
Music therapy program garners acclaim; Rachel Scherr named national fellow for her physics research; DNP program launches; SPU Art Center hosts social justice exhibit; 学生 win "best original score" in film competition; and new majors announced for 2018–19 academic year.
Noon prayers every Monday; campus focus on sustainability; Seminary hosts a multiethnic conference; Weter Lecture explores imagery in faith; and research looks at how faith communities can engage young adults.
圣诞节的神圣之声 concert sells out Benaroya Hall; Tent City 3 comes to campus; freshmen serve 西雅图 through CityQuest; SPU 学生 and staff participate in housing advocacy day; and Susan Okamoto Lane receives justice award.
Design professor teaches in China; Soong-Chan Rah delivers keynote at 16th annual Day of Common Learning; Sociology 教师 publish research on homelessness engagement by 学生; and 教师 publish racial justice statement.
SPU receives NCAA President's Award for Academic Excellence; gymnasts compete at USA Gymnastics Collegiate Championships; basketball player Jordan McPhee named to the CoSIDA Academic All-America second team; women's basketball goes to NCAA Division II championships; and Renick Meyer and Scout Cai dominated the GNAC heptathlon.
New director appointed; first-ever baseball reunion at homecoming and parents weekend; Pharmaceutical leader, 南希潜伏者, lectures on campus; Camille Jones featured in TIME magazine; alumni awards; and more.
信仰 & Co. initiative launched; Dennis and Beth Weibling receive SPU's 2017 President's Award for 慈善事业; new Nursing building opens; and 西雅图 Pacific Foundation sees excellent rate of return.